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News, Notes, & Don'ts

So lots of things I want to talk about today, but I will ramble on a bit just so we can catch up.

Happy Birthday to the US Marine Corp. I have several friends who are Marines and worked Marines in my younger days and have never had a complaint nor was I ever treated with anything but respect from those men and women. I recognize my experience is not everyone's experience, but on the other hand I imagine my experience is the one most people have. Unless the Marines are shooting at you.

A pitcher from the Atlanta Braves (and LAA Angels) named Tommy Hanson died. It seems sudden and in that sense a young man dying so quickly and inexplicably seems tragic. Maybe he was suffering from something, I do not know. I don't believe death is inherently tragic, but some deaths do elicit an "wow that sucks" feeling. Yes I knew of him because he played baseball (and IMHO was a good pitcher). I do not count it as a celebrity death.

So I am officially the Science Fiction Track Director for JordanCon. I hope it is not a one year thing, but by next April they may hate me if I don't perform well (I intend to) or I am too serious. I am too serious and also not serious enough. It is a dichotomy and I have used that word twice today. Anyway wish me luck, cpme to JordanCon and sit in on the SF panels!

See this is what it is like being a writer, all the rambling. Okay now onto the writing parts.

So I am doing NanoWrimo this year again. I will every year even if I become rich and infamous. The book is an homage to Mercedes Lackey whom I have never read, but to me she represents a style of writing that I admire and enjoy. The book is called the Sages of Ign and it is heavily feminist, somewhat adult, and difficult to write. To be honest, I love it. It is challenging me emotionally and I needed that in my writing.

The FACELESS is still going strong though I am still not done Chapter Six because of work and things. INKSHARES has changed their pricing structure and in doing so, made it easier to get the e-book published. So I am going to focus heavily on that. go ahead and Pre Order the book as the number of pre orders I need for e-book publishing is much smaller.

I told someone I would be self publishing part one of Wicked Boys around the firs of the year. and I guess I had better do that, huh?


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